TALK TO AN EXPERTExpert advice to set you up for success, while our software does the heavy lifting.
Our team has the right mix of ESG advisory and in-house reporting experience to help businesses at any stage of their ESG strategy and reporting journey.
We're here to help
Assess Your Current State
It's super hard to start if you don't know where you are or where you're going. Gain insights into your current state relating to ESG strategy, data, and disclosure, with comprehensive benchmarking against the state of your industry peers. Enhance internal controls and performance management.
Engage Your Stakeholders
There are dozens of topics and metrics that fall under the ESG umbrella, and only some are relevant to your business. Obtain a best-in-class materiality assessment to set the guard rails, identifying what industry and company-specific ESG topics and KPIs you should focus on.
Collect Your Data
You don't know what data to collect or report, or what processes and policies should be in place to support an effective ESG strategy. Our team supports you in identifying what industry and company-specific ESG topics, KPIs and policies you should focus on to set up a strategy and disclosure to meet your stakeholder demands.
Select Your Frameworks
With so many ESG frameworks available, it can be difficult to know which framework is the right fit for your company. Get advice on which ESG frameworks will lead to the most fulsome disclosure, based on your industry, peers, and the data you have now.
Write a Standout Report
The cost and time of hand-crafting a comprehensive and high quality ESG report can be daunting. Curate an ESG report that is meaningful, and communicates effectively to all your stakeholders. We write reports that are balanced, authentic and easy to understand.